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Legal information

The legal information below applies to the b4purpose.fr website.

Legal information

BUSINESS FOR PURPOSE ( B4PURPOSE) is published by B4Purpose, a simplified joint stock company with capital of €540,000.00, headquartered at 10 RUE MENDEL KALMENSON 93300 AUBERVILLIERS, France, registered under SIREN number 908431653. Fabienne NTWA ANTIEME is President of BUSINESS FOR PURPOSE (B4PURPOSE).


The user of the b4purpose.fr website acknowledges having read the present legal notice and undertakes to comply with it. The user also acknowledges that he/she has the skills and resources required to access and use the site, and that he/she has verified that the computer configuration used is virus-free and in perfect working order. B4Purpose cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses or other logical infections on its site.

B4Purpose undertakes to do everything in its power to ensure that users of the b4purpose.fr website can access it at all times. However, B4Purpose cannot be held liable in the event of unavailability for any reason whatsoever.The information contained on the b4purpose.fr site comes from external companies and is indicative only.The existence of a link from these companies to another site in no way constitutes validation of these sites or their content. B4Purpose cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information published on the site. It is the user's responsibility to use discernment and critical thinking when browsing the b4purpose.fr site. B4purpose cannot be held responsible for information, opinions and recommendations formulated by third parties. The B4purposef company reserves the right to remove links from its site to third-party sites.

Information technology and personal data protection

Personal data is any information that directly or indirectly identifies an individual. For example: civil status, social security number, postal address, tax address, personal e-mail address, personal mobile number, bank details, etc. The processing of personal data on the b4purpose.fr website is based on the legitimate interests of B4Purpose. It may, where applicable, be carried out in connection with the conclusion or performance of a contract. Personal data is kept: for non-customer users, for a period of 3 years from your last contact; for customer users, for the entire duration of the contractual relationship, plus 5 years.

Throughout the period of storage of your personal data, appropriate measures are taken to ensure its confidentiality and security, so as to prevent damage, deletion or access by unauthorized third parties. Access to personal data is strictly limited to company employees authorized to process such data by virtue of their position. The information collected may be communicated to third parties bound to B4Purpose by contract for the execution of delegated processing, as well as to certain organizations in order to meet legal obligations. These third parties have only limited access to the data, and are obliged to use it in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data. All data recipients are located within the European Union

In accordance with the provisions of the amended French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), individuals have the right to access, query, limit, port, object to processing, erase, modify, and rectify their personal information. They can also object to the use of their data for commercial prospecting purposes. Additionally, they have the option to define general and specific directives governing how they wish these rights to be exercised after their death. These rights can be exercised by writing to the address communcation@eoi-b4purpose.com .

The user also has the possibility to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority, the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties (CNIL), through the website www.cnil.fr. Users of the website b4purpose.fr are required to comply with the provisions of the amended French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, and the General Data Protection Regulation, violation of which may result in criminal penalties. Users must refrain from the improper use of personal data to which they have access and, more generally, from any act that may infringe upon the privacy or reputation of individuals.

The user is informed that during their visits to the website b4purpose.fr, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browsing software. A cookie is a data block that records the user's browsing information on the site without allowing their identification. The user has the right to access, withdraw, and modify personal data communicated through cookies under the conditions indicated above. When a user consents to the installation of cookies, the duration of validity of this consent is a maximum of 13 months. However, certain cookies are exempt from the requirement of obtaining consent. For any further questions regarding the protection of personal data, the user can write to b4purpose.fr

Intellectual Property

B4Purpose and/or its partners are the exclusive owners of all intellectual property rights relating to both the structure and the content of the Websites. Thus, data, texts, images (static or animated), logos, sounds, graphics, files, are the exclusive property of B4Purpose. Any total or partial representation of the site or any of its elements without the express permission of the company B4Purpose is prohibited and may result in legal action for infringement.

Applicable Law

This site is governed by French laws.


This information notice may be updated by B4Purpose, at any time and without prior notice. Therefore, users are invited to consult it regularly.

Contact Us

Email : communication@eoi-b4purpose.com

Website : www.b4purpose.com

Linkedin : B4PURPOSE

Country of the company : France

© B4Purpose